Tuesday, September 10, 2013

No Turning Back: Syria in Focus

With the present state of affairs both domestic and abroad, I would say that there is much to be discussed as America once again approaches the threshold of yet another international military debacle that never ceases to captivate both the media and small town diplomat alike. Alas since facts and truth seem to be two very different items these days it is nearly impossible to shed light on anything long enough to see every tooth and nail of whatever monster it is we are hunting.

What is evident is that no one seems quite to know what is going on and would rather lob accusations and shake fists because you know, that's what civilized governments do. Today's world is one that resembles more of a 'cowboys and Indians' manner of dealing with international relations rather than aiming to root out a problem before brashly yanking it by the stalk. But then again, this is nothing new so I suppose I shouldn't be too heavy handed in my critique of the Obama Administration's course of action. However, once again I must again admittedly give some leeway to our shirtless friend in the East, President Putin, who surprises me with his rather well thought out look at the situation in Syria. Mr. Putin recently released a statement that stated that it would be smart to disarm the country of any chemical weapons rather than facilitate any unnecessary military incursion, a statement that even President Obama admitted was a 'potential breakthrough'. In other words, "why didn't I think of that?". Which raises another important question, why are we so gung-ho to get involved in what would most certainly turn into another mass deployment of troops and UN peacekeepers when there isn't hard evidence to really suggest that Al Asad himself ordered the usage of chemical weapons on his own people? Am I saying that it's not very likely that he did give the military permission to utilize such weapons against Syrian citizens? No. Is it also likely that the rebels might have done it themselves in the hopes that the US would and at this point probably intervene and usurp Al Asad out of power? Yes, I think it is. But is this discussed on the nightly news across our country? I think you know the answer to that my friends.

Nope, not even a little. Instead we are bombarded with bullshit small town America Q&A's that seek to illuminate the hidden political geniuses that blue-collar workers at crummy diners possess. At this point I guess I shouldn't be too surprised as American's have enjoyed sucking at the teat of the misinformation hub that is broadcast news. But that's a story for another day and another drink.

While this situation most definitely is in it's downward spiral towards almost certain disaster, I would like to hope as I always do, that the fine people who lead our beloved country can surprise me by doing something that I have yet to see become a trend: Common Sense. Don't fall into the trap of living beyond your means America, you're a deadbeat, a broke and an economic cripple, don't go taking a swing just because you're angry and need someone to fight.  With that I leave you with the following advice Mr. President.

 There is nothing in the desert and no man needs nothing.

Note: Photo originally published on usatoday.com

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