Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Homicide and Other Haberdashery
I'm not quite sure what it is about professional football that drives its players to commit murder and in a heartbeat throw away millions of dollars and any fame that they may have earned. News today of former New England Patriot Aaron Hernandez arrest raised eyebrows in the sports world as the 23 year old tight end was brought in on counts of first degree murder and five firearm charges. According to prosecutors Mr. Hernandez killed 27 year old semi pro football player Odin Lloyd and covered up evidence in the hopes of evading arrest. This news comes a little over a week after Lloyd's body was discovered on the early hours of June 17th. The murder itself is said to have arose over a dispute that took place a few nights earlier that erupted being the two men. Mr. Hernandez was subsequently released a few hours after his arrest earlier today.
What is all the more disturbing in a case such as this is the premeditated nature of the murder itself. Lloyd had texted a friend in the early hours of Monday the 17th, stating that he had been picked up by Hernandez and some of his compatriots. A few short hours later Mr. Lloyd was found dead by two gunshot wounds. If Hernandez is indeed guilty his financial woes will be the least of his problems unless sometime in the near future he decides to plead guilty to the six charges brought against him today. I hate to say it but it's almost comical that people in such states of financial comfort still decide to commit such crimes and risk everything in the process. Plus I have to admit that the above picture is pretty funny itself, like what on earth was going on that Hernandez had to be arrested with his arms inside his t shirt? Did the prosecutors catch him coming of the shower or in the midst of a bow-flex routine? Petty humor aside, it would appear that the 23 year old is in for a large helping of shit in the months to come. Let's just hope the jury doesn't mind the notion of a 6' 1'' guy with tattoos covering his arms giving a tearful account of events leading up until he iced his bud during the inevitably televised court room drama that is sure to unfold. I tell ya, I never get tired of seeing these idiots who thought they were bright enough to conceal evidence from investigators and yet were dumb enough to commit murder in the first place. Mind boggling, let's hope that justice is served and we don't have another O.J. on our hands.
In other news, is anyone other than me really fed up with the filth that allows to hit the web? I realize that the majority of people that read online news tend to have the attention span of a ten year old, but seriously Yahoo, if you want to be considered as a legitimate news source than stop allowing every story about social networking trends and celebrity wardrobe faux pas's to be printed. Granted what does this say about me as a member of rapidly dwindling news going audience, but I'd like to be able to read a concise article that is at the very least grammatically correct with my morning bowl of Captain Crunch. In music news it would appear that Kanye West's new album 'Yeezus' is quite the hit among those who like to think that Kanye isn't an insufferable ass but rather a 'musical genius' with his incorporation of electronic "melodies". Is that what it takes these days to be considered a versatile musician? "Let's record a few songs in a different musical genre and make tired statements about social issues that don't effect the artists themselves. Yep that'll win some grammy's and get some kids to research American slavery." I'd also like to note that the Grammy's haven't meant shit in many a year, especially when it hands out awards for literally every insignificant musical 'achievement'. Gosh, even the paper plate award that I got in middle school serves as a better indicator of talent than a Grammy.
That's the problem with American society, it likes to pretend it sets high standards for its citizens and then proceeds to diminish every single achievement it has to offer. The United States has a sub par education system, winning the award for having the most high school graduates unprepared for first year undergraduate classes. Sure you can belittle China and Japan for having weird fetishes and questionable ethics when it comes to devouring household pets over some fried rice, but you can't say they don't encourage a strong work ethic and a vigorous education program. While you middle age mothers sit there and read the latest Oprah book club novel and pretend to give a shit what your kids are doing, there are children overseas working 10x as hard as your pot smoking dipshit of a son, who understand the value of the dollar. For the amount of energy we spend asserting to the rest of the world that we're civilized we seem to be spending an unequal amount of time legislating against the social problems that result in gun violence and climate change, which the south brilliantly refers to as 'hogwash'. So in closing I'd like to thank the rest of the world for giving us shit all the time for being idiots because as a famous character once said, "stupid is as stupid does".
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