Friday, May 30, 2014

7 Ways Society is Becoming Dumb(er)

Yes you read that correctly, that's fifteen ways that you (society as a whole) are becoming more and more stupid. If you're sitting there scratching your head as to why with all the technology and innovations we have in this world, we are becoming stupider, than you, good sir or madam, are part of the problem. Exit stage right. So without further ado, here is your list you impatient fuck.

1) Our society is in the death grip of Big Corporations: 
               "No way!" say the mindless drones who spit processed meat from their cake holes. Ahh but wait I'm not finished. You see, there was a dream where companies strived to better the lives of their customers and create a product that improved one's livelihood exponentially. This was in an alternate universe where advertising hadn't become so ubiquitous and nauseating to the point where even visiting a website didn't open the floodgates of promotions, pop ups and commercials that invaded your home telling you why you were such a loser for not buying 'x' product. We live in a country where big box marts like Walmart are able to treat their employees like indentured servants and enslave them to a minimum wage job where a single mother of two can't support her family on full time/overtime pay. Yet, this is the same company who tries to pull the wool over the eyes of consumers and convince them that the people who shop at their stores are posh white women who are just 'amazed' at all the deals they were able to get for their families. Sure, Walmart luckily I have a tool called the internet and have seem more than my fair share of bearded women and an assortment creatures found south of Virginia, who are your 'real' consumer base.

2) Our Children are Shitheads who are Useless in the Real World 
              As someone who has both experienced and worked in the wonderfully enlightening world of public education, I think I know a little something about the future generations we are rearing. Not only are they wildly irritating on the whole, but they have the attention span of a crackhead who's looking for his latest fix. They fidget and look for any excuse to whip out their smart phones and electronics the second they think an adult is looking, their lives are dictated by the latest social media drama or fad that has been deemed 'cool' or 'swag' (don't get me started on twerking) and they all seem to dress in a manner that walks the thin line between streetwalker and mentally challenged. Any attempt to drill into their heads that there is an outside world out there beyond the pearly gates that is their high school diploma/GED is quickly disregarded as being 'negative' or 'adult bullshit'. What little work ethic they have is only seen as a means to an end which for many of them is just being able to afford that new miscellaneous product or being viewed as 'popular'.

3) Music has deteriorated to the point of no return 
           I can't tell you how many times I've heard self proclaimed music aficionados proudly announce that rapper 'x' or artist 'y' is "like the best thing ever", and most of these people are under the age of 21. Listen shithead, you will never convince me that rapping about 'popping bottles and bouncing that ass' is a form of art and musical talent that rivals that of geniuses like Mozart and Beethoven. Sitting on your pandora account and partaking in the latest pop culture circle jerk that hails retards like Jay-Z and Katy Perry as the equivalent of the second coming only proves that you've drank the kool aid, asphyxiated it, and proceeded to regurgitate what's left of your taste in music all over the floor.

4) We don't care to learn about other cultures 
           And no scientology and mormonism doesn't count....I'm not sure if it's just us living in a bubble of self righteous shit/religious dogma/social spheres etc. that causes us to be so uneducated about the rest of the world, but boy I can see why the majority of the world thinks we're stupid. The best examples lie in those late night segments where the host asks basic geography or current event questions to a passerby and proceeds to the get the usual nervous laughter combined with a dip shit response like, "three?" to the question, "how many world wars have their been?" American's for the most part, have a world view that can be akin to a fat kid admiring an ant farm or an exhibit at the zoo. They pound on the glass and sayt 'ooo look at that' and then proceed to busy themselves with guzzling the latest morsel of fatty first world treats they pulled out of their pockets. If the phrase, 'the world is your oyster', is meant to be taken literally, than most American's just suck what little greasy nutrients can be gained and toss the rest away.

5) We continue to elect Bigoted Charlatans who Prey on our prejudices 
      I'm talking to you Southern States.....Yes, the civil rights movement came and went with little to no effect other than to throw minorities a bone to chew at for a little bit until corporations could buy up so much space where they would be forced to work as slaves to evil companies who care not for that mother of two mentioned above who is still struggling to pay her mortgage and put food on the table. It's 2014, we have a congress which is deadlocked in it's extreme hatred for a man who has managed to pass a health care act that actually works and provide help to those in this country who so desperately need it. We have politicians whose sole purpose is to veto and block any attempt by the president and house democrats to pass any useful legislation because, "you're a big poopy head who we don't like because you voted for the black guy!" In all honesty, I don't seriously think that the only reason Washington is ineffectual is because they're racist. They're also really stupid.

6) We're a nation of 'Responsible Gun Owners', who occasionally forget that the Glock we're cleaning is loaded. 
       In the light of the recent pow wow that Texas gun owners had at their local chipotle in support of the NRA and the small penis society, I thought it was a good idea to bring this up. Ahh, who am I kidding the number of mass shootings and 'firearm related accidents' this country has, will most likely continue to make this topic relevant til the day I die. We are a country that not only worships the invisible all seeing sky god but also the constitution, but more importantly, the 2nd Amendment. That's right, the part of the constitution that people highlight and bothered to read incessantly, because nothing says 'well organized militia' like having you and your buddies from the group home collect every friggin' assault rifle and shotgun, "just in case King Obama decides to send the government boys after your cotton fields."

7) We let a 3000 year old book that promotes abuse of women and the belief that the earth is the center of the universe. 
        That's right our god is better than yours and he's white! You heard it here first ladies and gentlemen, Jesus Christ (our lord and savior amen) was not only a long haired white guy that occasionally sold tie-dyed shirts down by the beach but he hated gays and wouldn't raise the minimum wage even if that black single mother of two dedicated all of her free time to helping out at her local parish! Because if there something Jesus hates more than people day trading at a house of worship it's poor people trying to get a bite of the same pie us hard working trust fund kids struggled so hard to attain. And don't forget, the earth is flat, the virgin birth really happened, a snake can talk and 'everything happens for a reason'.

There you have it assholes, a top to bottom list of why this country mainly and most of society for that matter, is stupid! If you disagreed with anything I had to say feel free to submit a comment, retweet, share or do whatever it is you losers do when you want your shitty opinion to be heard. Good night and good luck!


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